9 Steps To Cleaner And Healthier Skin

Lower Stress

  • Lower your stress level through prayer and meditation. Stress creates hormones that actually age us as they destroy cells and create toxic byproducts and free radicals. Studies have shown that prayer and meditation can reduce stress levels. Prayer and meditation have been proven to even alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Try this home remedies for acne.



Drink lots of Water


  • Drink plenty of water. It is a fact that 90% of us do not drink enough water. For your skin cells to function properly and heal properly from cuts, etc… we need to drink 8-12 glasses of water every day. Our skin is one of our most important organs as it protects us from disease, cushions our falls, etc… It needs plenty of water.





  • Get proper sleep. Not getting the proper 8-10 hours of sleep per day will first show in your skin like broken capillaries, puffiness, circles under the eyes.  It can take a serious toll on your daytime energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even your weight.  It affects the moisture levels in your skin, decreasing them and also lowering your complexion’s pH levels, which is why your skin looks less youthful and has less of a glow.



Get Nutrients

  • Eat well. Get proper nutrition. Too many junk foods can cause or worsen skin problems like pimples and acne. A well-balanced meal 3 times per day has been proven to help alleviate spikes in skin problems and help to average out the outbreaks in acne vulgaris. As scientists learn more about diet and the body, it’s increasingly clear that what you eat can significantly affect the health and aging of your skin.

fruits and vegetables



  • Take vitamins to supplement your skin and body. We can’t always make sure we get 100% of each vitamin and mineral with the foods we eat, but we can take a multivitamin once a day. People that take multivitamins once a day live longer. The best vitamins for healthy skin include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin B3, Choline, Folic Acid, Omega3.




Use Safe Soaps

  • Properly clean your skin. Harsh soaps can dry out your skin and even stimulate further sebum (oil) production which can worsen acne. Use a mild cleanser with 2% salicylic acid. This has been proven very effective in ridding excess oils while maintaining proper hydration and pH. The slight acidity will keep bacteria at bay.



Don’t Smoke

  • Don’t smoke. Smoking puts years on you. Literally, smoking can add 10 years to the aged look of your skin. Why would you want to do that? If you must have nicotine then get nicotine gum or the patch – they will cure your cravings and there is no evidence or statistics of anyone developing cancer, lung disease, etc… from these.

girl smoking

Protect from the Sun

  • Wear sunscreen. The skin does have keratin to protect against the suns rays, but it is no match for UV rays, etc… that we expose ourselves to. Melanoma has several forms and all are deadly. If you don’t think you will get skin cancer or think you are invulnerable, just go to your local dermatologist and ask to see pictures of clients with skin cancer, better yet go to the oncology center at your local hospital. You don’t think that way ever again. Wear sunscreen.


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