Perfect Shaker Cup: Rechargeable Portable Vortex Mixer

Product: PROMiXX 2.0 Rechargeable Portable Vortex Mixer

Where to Buy: Amazon

Rating: 9/10

Product Features and Description

Vortex Mixer Package

As Seen On Amazon

The PROMiXX 2.0 is portable self-mixing shaker cup.

If there ever was or ever will be the perfect shaker cup, this would have to be pretty close to the top!

This product automatically mixes your protein shake for you and it can be taken anywhere! In just a few seconds, wherever you are, you will have a smooth and blended protein shake.

Here are a few key features:

  • Quiet Motor
  • Portable
  • Rechargable through USB
  • Lightweight
  • 16,000 rpm motor
  • detachable base (easy clean up)
  • Storage for your powders
  • 1-Year Warranty Guarantee

This product is a high tech shaker cup you can take anywhere. It is efficient, portable, lightweight and it will help you avoid having a chunky protein shake.


Who Is it for?

The PROMiXX 2.0 shaker cup is for anybody who uses shaker cups. This will effortlessly make your protein shake experience better. You don’t need to shake your cup, all you do is add your water, powder, and turn it on!

This is especially helpful for those that go to the gym and mix their shakes in the car or in the locker room. You won’t have to sit there shaking your cup like a mad person. This efficient cup will do it all for you.

This cup is also for those who take protein shakes to help lose weight that can never seem to mix a decent shake. On many occasions my shakes have been chunky and it seems that I sit there shaking the cup forever! If you can’t shake your cup, or if you can’t mix your drink well enough, the PROMiXX 2.0 will make your life a lot easier.

If you can’t normally make a protein shake because you aren’t allowed to make a lot of noise in your office or at work, you won’t have a problem with this product because it is surprisingly quiet and gets the job done.


What I like?

I like so many things about this cup.

Let’s start with this.

1. Noise Level- Personally, I make a protein shake every day for lunch while teaching and I am always embarrassed at the effort I have to give, along with the noise it makes to mix a protein shake in a traditional cup.

This cup has given me the freedom to hit my protein goals regardless of the social situation I am. It’s perfect for those in a quiet office or work building.

2. Protein Storage- For years I had to use plastic baggies to bring my protein powder to work or to the gym. The PROMiXX 2.0 has a built in storage for your powders so you can easily take it with you wherever you go. You won’t have to make a mess when trying to pour out of a plastic bag.

3. Clean Up- The clean up is so simple with this product. All you have to do is put water and dish soap in the cup, then turn it on and let it mix. This makes clean up super easy and it doesn’t take much time either.


4. TechI am the type of guy that always needs to have the newest tech. I love using technology in any way that I can. Not only is this a unique type of technology, but it is very fun to use for any fitness nerd like me.

What I Don’t Like

In reading other folk’s review of the product, there are instances where the cup might stop working or be faulty. Apparently not every cup is made with perfection. This isn’t great, but there are also a ton of reviews that claim their cup has worked for a long time.

I have had mine for a few weeks now and I have loved it ever since. I am hoping that it will work for a long period of time.

No worries if your cup doesn’t work perfectly, there is a 1-year Warranty guarantee when you buy it through amazon.

Also, the cup is a little pricey but most claim the cup lasts a long time, and is totally worth it for all the positives that come along with it.

Some regular shaker cups can run you up to 30 dollars so paying a little extra for a device like this shouldn’t be an issue.

The Verdict

Here’s the verdict!

If you are into fitness, nutrition, and drink protein shakes regularly, then give the PROMiXX 2.0 a shot. Clearly, there are a ton of pros when it comes to this product and you won’t be disappointed.

You also can’t go wrong with a 1-year warranty on the product. If it should ever break, you will be covered which is very convenient.

If you have the PROMiXX 2.0 or have any comments please share below! It will only help other followers!


Founder of myshakercup.com


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