Best Keto Supplements for Athletes

The ketogenic diet is a great way of shedding weight in a healthy way. By tapping into the body’s natural metabolic state, you can get your body used to burn fat for fuel rather than carbohydrates – this is a process known as ketosis, and it is what is behind this diet’s success. 

Supplements pills

So if you’re interested in keto, what are the best keto supplements for weight loss, and are keto supplements safe? Fortunately, we have all the answers that you need in this article. Let’s find out more.


The types and benefits of supplements

There is a whole range of supplements to take on the keto diet, ranging from energy and performance boosters to nutrient replacements. As the keto diet is fairly restrictive in terms of what you can eat, it can be a good idea to take supplements that will replace lost vitamins, minerals, or electrolytes if you’re not able to get enough of them during your training. People find these particularly helpful, especially if they have too many carbs around the house.


There are other kinds of supplements that work directly to help the gastrointestinal system digest fat or even increase the fat burning rate in your body. Some of these types can increase the number of ketones in the body, increasing it to an amount higher than the body is able to produce itself – this helps you achieve ketosis quicker, making it a lot easier to burn fat efficiently.


If you ever find that you need to bulk up, lose weight, or just eat smarter during athletic training, taking keto supplements can help. Invest some energy, time, and a little money, and you can improve all of your keto habits in order to become much better and more efficient in losing fat. So what kinds of supplements are the best to choose? Let’s take a look at some that can really help you.


Exogenous Ketones

It’s possible to increase the number of ketones in your blood by ingesting exogenous keto workout supplements. What they will do is help you reach the state of ketosis quickly and help you stay in ketosis for a longer time than normal. These exogenous types of the supplement have been shown to boost recovery, athletic performance, and they can also work as an appetite suppressant so that you lose weight further. We’ve seen loads of excellent products on the shelf, including some with natural caffeine to be used before a workout to give you energy and boost performance.


Omega-3 oil

The fatty acids DHA and EPA found in omega oil are essential for your body’s development, plus they have been found to lower the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and prevent mental decline. They are highly beneficial for athletes engaging in the keto diet because they can help you maintain a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio, especially if you’re not able to eat certain foods anymore. Supplements that can boost the amounts of these fatty acids can help you absorb more omega oils too.



It can be rather difficult to transfer to a ketogenic diet initially. The body may react unfavorably to dietary change, causing you to lose water. If you are starting out, taking keto electrolyte supplements that include potassium and sodium can help you keep hydrated and retain water in the body. Electrolytes can be great to take if you are experiencing any symptoms of the “keto flu”, including muscle cramps, headaches, and fatigue.



You can take MCT oil in order to boost athletic performance and ketosis when you’re on the keto diet. This oil essentially boosts the amount of triglyceride fatty acids, thus increasing the ketone levels. The result is an increase in weight loss by inducing a feeling of satiety. The great thing is that this oil carries no flavor or aroma, so it can be easily added to pretty much anything.


Digestive enzymes

Since keto is a diet whereby you have to consume 60% fat, a lot of people may experience gastrointestinal symptoms, which include diarrhea, bloating, and nausea. This happens particularly when making a transition to the keto. Digestive supplements contain both lipase and protease, which can work to break down both fats and proteins. They can really work wonders, especially when you want to train and have a heavy stomach.


Vitamin D

Everybody should be supplementing vitamin D, and if you’re an athlete, then we would argue that this is one of the most important keto vitamin supplements for you. On the ketogenic diet, you may like calcium because it is a good practice not to eat dairy products. Vitamin D will help to facilitate any absorption of calcium. Along with this, it also supports bone health, the immune system, and works as an anti-inflammatory, which is great for recovery after intense exercise.



The restrictive ketogenic diet is all about decreasing carbohydrate intake, limiting it to around 20% of your calories. A lot of foods that are high in magnesium are also high in carbohydrates, such as rice and beans. Your body requires magnesium, so it’s a great idea to supplement your intake on a keto. We would highly recommend going for supplements that also include the amino acids lysine and glycine to promote gastrointestinal tolerance.


Keto supplements

We hope that you really get the most out of the information provided in this article and choose products that work well with your athletic training. Be sure to read all the keto supplements reviews extensively before you consider making a purchase as the supplement market isn’t fully regulated globally. 


What’s your take on keto acid supplements or any other types of supplements we’ve mentioned? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Tell us in the comments section below.

Author’s bio: My name is Adam Reeve and I have been a professional personal trainer and fitness instructor for over 10 years. Also, I’m a life coach, wellness writer, and low carb diets, enthusiast.


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